There's no point in even denying that Earth, Wind & Fire's 'September' hasn't made its annual appearance into my Spotify playlist. If you ever catch me in public with earphones on, please be assured that I am in fact, remembering September. What is it about this month that resonates with songwriters? Wake Me Up When September Ends? Iconic. I also once went out with a guy from a band who had a song about September and I still know all the words to the song to this day.
There's no point in even going off on a 'how the hell is it September already where has the year gone' tangent either. Fact of the matter is, September is here and it's here to stay for the next couple of weeks.
I realised it's been quite a long time since I last wrote my monthly goals here. I think there is still something to be said about making public declarations of my goals and intentions for the month. Perhaps it's because it keeps me more accountable or it's easier to keep checking back in to what I need to do - I'm sure someone, somewhere has said that the key to smashing your goals is to have it somewhere you're likely to see it everyday so you're always reminded of it. Or something like that. I'm obviously paraphrasing this in the worst way possible.
So September. We're halfway through but you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and set some goals anyway. #YOLO and all that. Do people still say that? I don't know. Maybe 2019 is the year we make #YOLO great again!
September Goals
Give up fizzy drinks - I don't drink them often but lately I find myself choosing the fizzy drink option at events or movies or when I go out to eat. I'm not a big alcohol drinker so fizzy drinks is my go-to, but gosh, I'm about to break-up with it because I know it's not good for me. Also note, I am a big water fan. I go through a few litres a day! So it's not like I'm all fizz, no h2o....
Do something I love/something that makes me happy EVERYDAY - Good golly this is a big one! I had this shocking realisation the other day while I was reflecting and taking stock of my life/everyday. I looked at how I spend my days/hours and what I get up to in the week. It's confronting to realise that I don't do enough of the things that make me happy. Don't get me wrong - I love going to events, catching up with people, watching movies etc - but what I mean is I don't do enough things for myself by myself. Like writing fiction (it's always been my favourite type of writing yet the one I do the least of) or reading a lot of books. Or even writing in my journal! I used to do that all the time, just having a yarn and getting the thoughts out - therapeutic when I think about how those words will never see the light of day. So maybe this needs to be rephrased as 'Do something that's just for my own joy everyday'. I'm committing to blocking out an hour/day to something gooooood.
Stick to routines - But why??? Routines are boring, some may argue. Not gonna lie, I do love a good rout...ine. There is something so comforting in knowing what to expect in some aspects of my life. Like I know when my alarm rings, I will
Consistent skin/self care - The first to go out the door when I'm tired! If I'm not wearing make-up and I get home at 11 pm, I'm splashing my face with water and going to bed. CYA! But I know that's not good practice because pollution, grime, and dirt so I should really stop doing that. I've been really consistent with my skincare lately though - taking the time to do my routine at the end of the day, no matter how tired I am. And you know what? Not only does my skin look the best it's ever been, but I'm finding that taking time to wind down and do all those steps is actually so relaxing! Some days are just totally crazy and that evening skincare routine is my first moment of stillness for the day. Doing it also signals to my body that it's time turn in for the night. I'm sleeping so much better/more regularly again too!
Declutter the crap out of my flat - pun absolutely intended. I've accumulated so much crap over the years! It's a bit 'out of sight, out of mind' for me at the moment but I know deep inside, they're all there, just taking up space and/or I can't truly relax knowing that my space is just filled with stuff. So I need to be ruthless and do a big clearout again like I did when I first moved to Auckland. I literally got rid of half my things! So HMU if you need clothes, knick knacks etc. I got you!
Eat better - I eat delicious things, but I need to eat better. More veggies, fruits, and a balanced diet. More homecooked meals! I actually really love cooking but again, it's one of those things that I don't do enough of. I'm too tempted by the convenience of eating out or takeaways when I'm really busy. Somedays I really don't have the time to stand there and cook, but you know what? I'm gonna get better at meal prep.
More mindset work - I started doing more of this back in July while I was going through a rough patch and it's honestly helped so much. Daily gratitude is also something I'm trying really hard to practice. It's harder than it seems but it really does work wonders! So mindset and gratitude and a lot of work to make my head a better space to be at is in the works for this month!
Hope you all had a lovely, relaxing weekend! I'll let you know how I go with these... maybe.

There's no point in even denying that Earth, Wind & Fire's 'September' hasn't made its annual appearance into my Spotify playlist. If you ever catch me in public with earphones on, please be assured that I am in fact, remembering September. What is it about this month that resonates with songwriters? Wake Me Up When September Ends? Iconic. I also once went out with a guy from a band who had a song about September and I still know all the words to the song to this day.
There's no point in even going off on a 'how the hell is it September already where has the year gone' tangent either. Fact of the matter is, September is here and it's here to stay for the next couple of weeks.
I realised it's been quite a long time since I last wrote my monthly goals here. I think there is still something to be said about making public declarations of my goals and intentions for the month. Perhaps it's because it keeps me more accountable or it's easier to keep checking back in to what I need to do - I'm sure someone, somewhere has said that the key to smashing your goals is to have it somewhere you're likely to see it everyday so you're always reminded of it. Or something like that. I'm obviously paraphrasing this in the worst way possible.
So September. We're halfway through but you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and set some goals anyway. #YOLO and all that. Do people still say that? I don't know. Maybe 2019 is the year we make #YOLO great again!
September Goals
Give up fizzy drinks - I don't drink them often but lately I find myself choosing the fizzy drink option at events or movies or when I go out to eat. I'm not a big alcohol drinker so fizzy drinks is my go-to, but gosh, I'm about to break-up with it because I know it's not good for me. Also note, I am a big water fan. I go through a few litres a day! So it's not like I'm all fizz, no h2o....
Do something I love/something that makes me happy EVERYDAY - Good golly this is a big one! I had this shocking realisation the other day while I was reflecting and taking stock of my life/everyday. I looked at how I spend my days/hours and what I get up to in the week. It's confronting to realise that I don't do enough of the things that make me happy. Don't get me wrong - I love going to events, catching up with people, watching movies etc - but what I mean is I don't do enough things for myself by myself. Like writing fiction (it's always been my favourite type of writing yet the one I do the least of) or reading a lot of books. Or even writing in my journal! I used to do that all the time, just having a yarn and getting the thoughts out - therapeutic when I think about how those words will never see the light of day. So maybe this needs to be rephrased as 'Do something that's just for my own joy everyday'. I'm committing to blocking out an hour/day to something gooooood.
Stick to routines - But why??? Routines are boring, some may argue. Not gonna lie, I do love a good rout...ine. There is something so comforting in knowing what to expect in some aspects of my life. Like I know when my alarm rings, I will
Consistent skin/self care - The first to go out the door when I'm tired! If I'm not wearing make-up and I get home at 11 pm, I'm splashing my face with water and going to bed. CYA! But I know that's not good practice because pollution, grime, and dirt so I should really stop doing that. I've been really consistent with my skincare lately though - taking the time to do my routine at the end of the day, no matter how tired I am. And you know what? Not only does my skin look the best it's ever been, but I'm finding that taking time to wind down and do all those steps is actually so relaxing! Some days are just totally crazy and that evening skincare routine is my first moment of stillness for the day. Doing it also signals to my body that it's time turn in for the night. I'm sleeping so much better/more regularly again too!
Declutter the crap out of my flat - pun absolutely intended. I've accumulated so much crap over the years! It's a bit 'out of sight, out of mind' for me at the moment but I know deep inside, they're all there, just taking up space and/or I can't truly relax knowing that my space is just filled with stuff. So I need to be ruthless and do a big clearout again like I did when I first moved to Auckland. I literally got rid of half my things! So HMU if you need clothes, knick knacks etc. I got you!
Eat better - I eat delicious things, but I need to eat better. More veggies, fruits, and a balanced diet. More homecooked meals! I actually really love cooking but again, it's one of those things that I don't do enough of. I'm too tempted by the convenience of eating out or takeaways when I'm really busy. Somedays I really don't have the time to stand there and cook, but you know what? I'm gonna get better at meal prep.
More mindset work - I started doing more of this back in July while I was going through a rough patch and it's honestly helped so much. Daily gratitude is also something I'm trying really hard to practice. It's harder than it seems but it really does work wonders! So mindset and gratitude and a lot of work to make my head a better space to be at is in the works for this month!
Hope you all had a lovely, relaxing weekend! I'll let you know how I go with these... maybe.
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